Home / News / Kansas City cop pins man, kneels on his neck over $5 frozen pizza: video

Kansas City cop pins man, kneels on his neck over $5 frozen pizza: video

Jul 30, 2023Jul 30, 2023

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A police officer in Kansas City could be seen on video kneeling on a Walmart customer’s neck after accusing the man of stealing a $5 frozen pizza, a report said.

Dayton Borisouth, 24, told KCTV that he had just purchased the pizza at the self-checkout on June 1 and was walking out of the store when the officer asked for his receipt. He initially refused, because he didn’t think the action was legally required.

Borisouth had not planned to go to Walmart that day — but had driven there to help his uncle jumpstart his car after getting off work.

He decided to run in and grab a pizza for dinner later that night and didn’t even bother to put it in a bag.

“[The officer] said, ‘Got your receipt?’” Borisouth recounted. “And I answered. I said, ‘Yes.’ And then I just kept walking.”

But in the reflection of the glass door, he saw the officer approaching him from behind.

“I shook my head no, and said, ‘Stop chasing me. You don’t have the right to detain me. I didn’t break any laws,’ and then he pinned me in the corner where the claw machine was,” Borisouth continued.

When the officer put him against the wall, Borisouth said he told the officer he had the receipt in his pocket. But when he went to grab the slip of paper, the cop told him to keep his hands out of his pockets “like I had a weapon.”

Borisouth, who remodels homes for work, did have a work blade on him, however.

“I cleared it up with him immediately,” he said. “I was like, ‘I have one weapon on me. And it’s not a weapon.’ I was like, ‘It’s my work blade and I do not intend to use it.’ I let him know that immediately.”

Viral video shows what happened next after the cop tackled Borisouth to the ground.

Borisouth’s uncle, Christopher Enloe, heard what was happening from the parking lot and started filming the altercation on his phone.

“Stop fighting it,” he said to his nephew. “Okay? Look at me.”

“Here’s the f—king receipt bro,” Borisouth, who was shirtless and has blue hair, yells at the officer as they wrestle on the ground “Read it dumba—.”

A frozen pizza can be seen on the ground just feet away.

“Get the f—ck off me,” he yells at the cop at one point.

Borisouth then put his hands down and gestured toward his uncle.

“Can you have him read the receipt?” he asks.

Suddenly another officer jumps into the frame to assist the first cop in detaining Borisouth, who is still fighting back.

“Dayton put your hands behind your back,” his uncle pleads. “Just do it, Dayton.”

He told KCTV that he had put his hands over his forehead instead of behind his back because he was afraid his head would be slammed into the ground.

“Calm down and I will,” Borisouth tells the cops. One officer can be heard warning him that he’s going to break his nose.

The second officer frees Borisouth’s hands and yanks them behind him. He also places his knee on his neck. Borisouth yells out in pain, the video shows. A third officer holds him by the legs.

“My hands are behind my back,” he says as they cuff him. “You’re going to break my arm.”

“Oh my God. Read the f—ing receipt, bro,” he tells them. “I didn’t break no law.”

The cops then stand him up and take him away, revealing the crumpled receipt on the floor that had gotten stuck underneath Borisouth’s body.

“There’s his receipt,” his uncle says. A bystander picks it up and hands it to the initial officer.

The cops pass the receipt around to each other while standing over the pizza box, the video shows.

Borisouth said he was detained in a police car for an hour. He was released an hour later after police determined the receipt was valid, but was issued a summons for refusing to comply.

Afterward, he said he went back to the store to exchange his now-thawed pizza for a frozen one.

KCKPD investigated the incident internally, and two of the officers involved are being disciplined.

“The off-duty officer observed the individual walking towards the exit with unbagged merchandise. When requested to present his receipt, the individual refused, became belligerent and continued out the door despite the officer’s verbal commands. It is our determination that the officer should have disengaged at that time due to the circumstances,” the department told KCTV in a statement.

“The investigation also concluded that one of the responding officers employed techniques that are not approved, nor trained, by the Department,” KCKPD said. “Due to these findings, both officers have been disciplined consistent with policy and will undergo additional training to ensure future compliance.”

The charges against Borisouth were dropped at the department’s request, police said.

He told the outlet he has contacted a lawyer and plans to sue.

He believes the officer singled him out for a receipt check because he was shirtless and had blue hair.

“I was just trying to buy a pizza for my family to eat,” he said “No matter what, this is going to stick with me for the rest of my life. I’m probably always going to be scared of cops now and fearing for my daughter and my son and what they’re going to have to go through as they get older.”